NA One Year Medallion- Motivation For Alcohol Recovery Program
The moment a person thinks to quit alcohol is an achievement for him. But the recovery period should last with him for his whole life. Thus, AA (alcohol anonymous) provides a 12 step recovery program for people addicted to alcohol and then makes them move forward with their life. The end of the 12 step recovery program marks the new birth of a person; he is now free from alcohol addiction. Hence, to celebrate this, you should present your dear ones with an NA one year medallion on completion of their first year of recovery period. You should celebrate recovery day as their new birthday and keep presenting them with NA medallion on completion of every year . It makes them commemorate their sobriety time. It will motivate them to stay resolute in their commitment. Features of NA one year medallion NA medallions are made with the principles given by the Narcotics Anonymous program. You can find NA one year medallion in multiple colors, styles, and attributes that are uniq...